♦ Box-In-Box design with a moving table fixture for outstanding stiffness and machining accuracy
♦ Dual ball screw drives in all axes for maximum feed force and stiffness
♦ Motorized or gear driven spindles to provide the optimum spindle speed and torque for any application
♦ High speed tool exchange and storage systems for (28), (60) or (100) HSK100 cutting tools
♦ Loading and clamping of workpieces can be manual or automatic using overhead gantry, pedestal or rail mounted robots
♦ Pallet exchange systems in three size ranges: 800 x 800, 800 x 1000 and 1000 x 1000 pallet sizes
♦ Heavy duty cast iron base with twin chip augers for high volume chip removal
♦ Wet, dry or Minimum Quantity Lubrication machining (MQL)
♦ Self-contained chip handling or individual pump backs (IPB) systems to central chip handling systems
♦ Choice of Fanuc 31i B or Siemens 840D CNC controls with simultaneous 4-axis control